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Our aim is to ensure that your time at college is as worry-free as possible. This includes financial help and support, whether you're aged 16-19 or an adult leaner, your finances should not prevent you from accessing education.

For further information please see our fees policies under 'Academic policies'.

pdf Click here to read the Student Financial Support Policy (305 KB) .

Financial Support

There is a range of financial support available dependent on your level of study and circumstances. For more information or advice please contact the Student Support Team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

At Harrow College we can assist in making your study easy and affordable. 

  • 16 - 19 Bursary

    All students aged 16-19 (18 years old as at 31 August in the year that your course starts) whose parents are on specific benefits or low household income, can apply for a College bursary to help with the cost of travel and essential course costs. This is subject to high attendance, punctuality and commitment to your studies. You can apply for this during enrolment. You will need a bank account.

    There are also bursaries available of up to £1200 per year (£40 per week) for 16-19 year old vulnerable learners who are:

    • in care
    • a care leaver
    • living independently on income support
    • severely disabled and getting both ESA and DLA.

  • Support payments 19+ (adults)

    All students aged 19 or over who are finding it hard to pay costs of studying at college may be able to access financial support through Student Support. For more information please contact Student Services on 020 8909 6000.

  • Free Courses for Students aged over 19

    If you are 19+ and you are working or self-employed and earn below the annual London Living Wage of £21,157.50 (this is slightly less if you are an outer London resident) you may qualify for free tuition fees! ESOL courses are eligible for free tuition and many other subject areas at Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2 are too - contact us on 0208 909 6000 to find out if you qualify.

    Please note: you will need to provide evidence of your earnings (wage slips or a current contract with details of your earnings) when you come to enrol and there may be other costs you do need to pay for, depending on your course.

  • Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs)

    The DSA helps to pay for any extra costs or expenses that students incur if attending a Higher Education course e.g. disability or long term health problem; mental health condition or specific learning difficulty. Please refer to the Higher Education page for further information.

    Note: this allowance is only for students who are attending a Higher Education course.

  • Childcare

    If you are a parent aged under 20 years old at the start of your course Care to Learn (C2L) can help pay for your childcare while you’re learning. Applications should be made direct to Care to Learn. More information is available at or through the helpline on 0800 121 8989.

    The college has limited funds available to provide childcare for students over 20 years old. The childcare provider must be Ofsted registered as informal childcare cannot be funded. For more information please contact Student Services on 020 8909 6000.

  • Advance Learner Loans

    The government introduced student loans for learners aged 19 and over who are studying on eligible study programmes at Level 3 and above. Advanced Learner Loans cover the cost of tuition, so you don’t have to pay upfront. If you are studying for your first level 3 course you may not have to pay tuition fees.

    How much you can get depends on the type of course you are studying, the course fees and the maximum loan available for the course. The minimum loan you can get is £300 and it is paid directly to the college or training provider. You don't have to take out a loan for the full amount of the course, as you can pay for some of it yourself.

    Advanced Learner Loans are available from the Student Loans Company, like other student loans. It’s easy to apply, household income isn’t taken into account and there is no credit check, plus you won’t have to pay anything back until your income is over £27,295 a year. If you are using the Advanced Learner Loan to pay for an Access to HE course, once you have successfully completed your HE course, the Student Loans Company will write off the amount outstanding on the loan. 

    To find out more about Advanced Learner Loans from the government website, please click here.

    The College also has an Advanced Learner Loans Bursary Fund, a scheme to help support students who are eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan and need additional financial support. For more details or to find out if you are eligible please click the link to read our  pdf Bursary Fund Statement. (137 KB)

  • Free College Meals

    To apply for free college meals you must:

    • Be enrolled on a course which is fully funded by the ESFA
    • Be aged 16 or over but under 19 at the 31st of August (in the year that your course starts)
    • Be aged 19 or over at the 31st of August (in the year that your course starts) and have an Education, Health and Care Plan

    Students or their parents/guardians should be in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

    • Income Support
    • Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA)
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
    • Child Tax Credit provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
    • Working Tax Credit Run On - The 4 week payment that you receive when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
    • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 per annum

  • Free Bus Travel

    Students on full-time courses, aged 16 to 18 as at 31st August (in the year that your course starts), who live in a London borough can apply for a 16+ Oyster photocard giving them free travel on buses, and discount travel on the Tube and DLR. Applications should be made online at the TFL website.

    Full-time students aged over 18 can apply for an 18+ Student photocard providing 30% discount on travelcards and bus season tickets.

    For more information on Oyster cards and discounts visit:

  • Important Information

    • All payments are dependent on available funds
    • Your application will not be assessed without the required evidence
    • We cannot be responsible for original documents
    • Evidence must be provided by applicant together with their application
    • Incomplete applications will not be processed
    • Students must adhere to the college requirements for attendance and behaviour.

  • Equal Opportunities

    Harrow College is an equal opportunities college. We encourage applications from any person irrespective of disability, gender, personal status, ethnic origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or age. Copies of the College's Equality and Diversity, Disability and Harassment policies are available from Student Services and the college's Human Resources department.


At Harrow College we can assist in making your study easy and affordable. You may be eligible for other financial support, depending on your circumstances. Our Student Support Team can help with any queries you may have.

More information is available here on the government website.

Please note:  We are no longer accepting cash payments for fees and other charges.

  • 16 - 18

    Tuition is free on full-time courses up to and including Level 3 vocational and A Level programmes.

    Some courses may have small costs for materials and kits.

  • 19+

    Some of our courses are free to adults who are:

    • Earning less than £21,500 per year
    • Unemployed
    • Need to learn English as a Second Language
    • Aged 19-23 and taking their first Level 3 course
    • Studying English or maths at or below Level 2 (GCSE)
    • Learning basic computing.

  • Advanced Learner Loans

    Advanced Learner Loans are available for further education courses at Level 3 or higher education (including HNDs and HNCs). 

    More information is available here on the government website.

Disclaimer: Harrow College issues this information as a general guide to its policies and facilities and reserves the right to modify or alter, without prior notice, any of the contents herein or otherwise advertised. The college reserves the right to discontinue courses at any time as a result of low student numbers or other circumstances beyond its control.